This year on my Halloween I will be a witch. It feels easy being a witch I have after all always been Witchy Robin. The name I seemed to have really started out streaming with.
I love the crisp air the way things smell. Like the smell of gutted pumpkin 🎃 when making a jack-o-lantern. It is a squishy slime business gutting a pumpkin. I have a few now around the house. Tough work.
I kept the seeds for roasting I hope they will come out well.
I love seeing trick or treaters little costumes and even the grown teens that are barely falling out of the magic of Halloween. I don't think I ever had that feeling, I enjoy it for all the reasons anyone does.
Orange leaves scattered on the ground and a cool air that makes sweaters perfect. I also love to start in with teas and hot cocoa drinks. Because I know what is coming next 😏 but let's not mention that holiday.
I had a great family time it will be sad to realize how quiet things are but I am happy too. Happy to have my time back and my own schedule to worry about.
For all you goblins and ghouls this year be kind and have a spooky Halloween.